Miriam Wahl *1992 in Essen, grew up on the Lower Rhine lives and works in Marburg and Frankfurt 2012 - 2016 Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting/Graphics/Photography) at Alanus University near Bonn 2017-2018 apprenticeship and traveling years 2018 - 2021 Master of Fine Arts - Artistic Concepts, Philipps University of Marburg Since 2021 working as a freelance artist, exhibitions, projects, residency grants Since 2022 lecturer in painting at the Institute of Fine Arts, Philipps University of Marburg More at: www.miriam-wahl.de instagram.com/_miriamwahl/ Course description Painting is as complex as life and the people who, for mysterious reasons, keep picking up paint and brushes. What am I looking for with and in painting? This workshop offers space and time to continue on your own artistic path and to work on old and new motifs, methods, questions and insights with support. The focus is on individual painting projects, which are further developed and supported in individual and group discussions. There will be no recipes or set techniques, but instead numerous exercises and suggestions to immerse yourself in the diverse world of painting and to train your gaze, sensitivity, sense of color and space in a playful, exploratory way and to get ideas for your own work. For example, we will become aware of the possibilities of artistic principles such as series, individual works or groups of works or various approaches to image creation, experiment with painting surfaces, collections of materials and the inexhaustible fund of our own view of the world. Trust in what we do, mutual inspiration and the joy of the painting means themselves are at the heart of this workshop. Everyone who wants to embark on an intensive painting process and is open to playful and unexpected things along the way is welcome.