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Dear friends of the Neuburg Summer Academy,

we are currently planning the 47th Neuburg Summer Academy. You can register for our courses from December 18th 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

Your Neuburg Cultural Office

03 Aug
Andreas Kotulla - Drawing - Experiments and Explorations

Andreas Kotulla - Drawing - Experiments and Explorations

No free place
Sun 8/3/25 - 8/16/25
Obere Altstadt
Fine Arts
For my artistic approach, it is essential to transfer aesthetic concepts and experiences from one medium to another. For drawing and for the course, this means, among other things, starting from the question: How does the space get into the surface ¬– and the drawing into the space?
I would like to encourage and support the participants to develop a personal approach to this issue and their own forms of expression, using as wide a range of techniques and materials as possible, from classic drawing techniques to more unconventional means.
Individual and group discussions about the experiences gained in drawing experiments should also be accompanied by occasional excursions into art history and visits to exhibitions on the subject.
03 Aug
Miriam Wahl - Painting

Miriam Wahl - Painting

No free place
Sun 8/3/25 - 8/8/25
Obere Altstadt Neuburg
Fine Arts
Painting is as complex as life and the people who, for mysterious reasons, keep reaching for paint and brushes. What am I looking for with and in painting? This workshop offers space and time to continue on your own artistic path and to work on old and new motifs, methods, questions and insights with support. The focus is on individual painting projects, which are further developed and supported in individual and group discussions. There will be no recipes or set techniques, but instead numerous exercises and suggestions to immerse yourself in the diverse world of painting and to train your gaze, sensitivity, sense of color and space in a playful, exploratory way and to get ideas for your own work. For example, we will become aware of the possibilities of artistic principles such as series, individual works or groups of works or various approaches to image creation, experiment with painting surfaces, collections of materials and the inexhaustible fund of our own view of the world. Trust in what we do, mutual inspiration and the joy of the painting means themselves are at the heart of this workshop.

All those who want to embark on an intensive painting process and are open to playfulness and the unexpected along the way are welcome.
03 Aug
14 free spaces
Sun 8/3/25 - 8/16/25
Descartes-Gymnasium Neuburg
Courses for children and young people
You have already completed the children’s academy or you are already too old for the children’s academy but you still want to experiment creatively? The youth atelier is the correct place to be since aspiring artists between 11 and 16 years will get the opportunity to discover - step by step - the four big fields of visual arts – painting, graphic, sculpture and photography – and the handicrafts of technical and textile design. 
03 Aug
8 free spaces
Sun 8/3/25 - 8/9/25
Praised by the Süddeutsche Zeitung for her special tone: “She sucks the tones out of her instrument, is able to create long bows and has a striking feeling for quiet tones that sound on her instrument as if from a magical world,” Nina Karmon performs internationally as a soloist.
03 Aug
Miriam Wahl - Painting

Miriam Wahl - Painting

No free place
Sun 8/3/25 - 8/16/25
Obere Altstadt Neuburg
Fine Arts
Painting is as complex as life and the people who, for mysterious reasons, keep reaching for paint and brushes. What am I looking for with and in painting? This workshop offers space and time to continue on your own artistic path and to work on old and new motifs, methods, questions and insights with support. The focus is on individual painting projects, which are further developed and supported in individual and group discussions. There will be no recipes or set techniques, but instead numerous exercises and suggestions to immerse yourself in the diverse world of painting and to train your gaze, sensitivity, sense of color and space in a playful, exploratory way and to get ideas for your own work. For example, we will become aware of the possibilities of artistic principles such as series, individual works or groups of works or various approaches to image creation, experiment with painting surfaces, collections of materials and the inexhaustible fund of our own view of the world. Trust in what we do, mutual inspiration and the joy of the painting means themselves are at the heart of this workshop.

All those who want to embark on an intensive painting process and are open to playfulness and the unexpected along the way are welcome.
03 Aug
2 free spaces
Sun 8/3/25 - 8/9/25
Descartes-Gymnasium Neuburg
Courses for children and young people
Christoph Hoffmann was born in Neuburg. After his Abitur, he studied drums and conducting at the Vocational School for Music in Sulzbach-Rosenheim. In 2006 he studied classic drums and music theory at the University of Music in Würzburg. In 2010 he completed his studies as diploma musician and diploma music teacher. Since then, he has been working as a teacher for drums and percussion, a grammar school teacher, and as a lecturer for workshops for all kinds of percussion. His workshop repertoire covers coaching at primary schools, working with percussion sections in a band and African drums. As a freelance artist, he even performed in the “Carnegie Hall” in New York where he played timpani in the “World Milal Orchestra” in 2009.  
03 Aug
Anna-Maria Kursawe - Painting - On the Relationship between Objectivity and Abstraction

Anna-Maria Kursawe - Painting - On the Relationship between Objectivity and Abstraction

1 free place
Sun 8/3/25 - 8/16/25
Fine Arts
The focus of the course is the clarification and further development of own pictorial concepts in the field of tension between representativeness and abstraction. The basis is perception, natural vision (in contrast to the camera's gaze), direct contact with things, precise observation, one's own fresh gaze rubbing against reality, because the training of the gaze is also necessary for abstract work. As a result of spatial-object representations, abstract compositions can be created that structure the image surface with their own pictorial rhythm. The course offers individual support on the way to the further development of one's own visual language. It is aimed at people with several years of painting practice.
03 Aug
Stefanie Pojar - Printing - Experimental printing graphics

Stefanie Pojar - Printing - Experimental printing graphics

2 free spaces
Sun 8/3/25 - 8/8/25
Obere Altstadt Neuburg
Fine Arts
The main aim of the course is the experimental and playful handling of print graphics. Cold needle, material, stencil and plant printing, wood and linoleum cutting, as well as monotyping and frottage are possible. Experimenting with different materials and techniques, even combinations, is desirable. The use of various, “unusual” tools, such as cutters, drills, cutting tools or even chainsaws and Dremels is also conceivable. Unusual substrates, i. e. not only paper, but also textiles and plastics can be brought along and used. The tools and materials should be brought with you or certain errands should be agreed with the group.

03 Aug
5 free spaces
Sun 8/3/25 - 8/16/25
Neuburger Stadttheater
Courses for children and young people
Director Louis Villinger studied directing for acting and music theatre at the Bavarian Theatre Academy “August Everding” in Munich. He has directed, inter alia, at the “Prinzregententheater München”, “Theater Ansbach”, “Theater der Altmark”, “Theater Altenburg Gera”, “Theater Landshut” and “Badische Landesbühne”. His productions are regularly shown at diverse theatre festivals.
He works with professional ensembles and amateur drama groups. Due to his inclusive production “FamilienBande” as an exemplary production, the “Theater der Altmark Stendal” was honoured by the theatre award “Theaterpreis des Bundes” in 2015. He won the prize for Best Director for his productions of “Die Leiden des jungen Werther”, “Supergute Tage” and “Verbrennungen”.
03 Aug
4 free spaces
Sun 8/3/25 - 8/16/25
Obere Altstadt
Fine Arts
Everything can be art, BUT art cannot be everything. We need challenges of the real life in order to meet them artistically. Everything can be art: shopping lists, crosswords, old child’s drawings, city maps, fake eye lashes, construction plans… simply everything! It only depends on how we include the things into the artistical process and which issue we want to deal with. In this course, we use all things collected in our households and which are of no use any longer but are not to simply thrown away. This “stuff” can be reason, motive or material for pictorial working as it is analysed, changed, arranged or associated becoming meaningful. In this course, pictorial working is not limited to one technique or medium but crosses such borders so that every participant is accompanied to achieve his or her best possible realisation of his or her pictorial idea. We approach objects differently and create new connections at the same time. This course is suitable for beginners and advanced students.